Monday, May 13, 2019

Dimensions of Wellness Integrated

Wellness :

Wellness , this term can be used in many different ways for e.g,any thing that's done perfectly we say well done but what's making this term related to our personal lives and health?
Term wellness is also used to define our health as well, in this context for better understandings i am integrating word wellness with three main dimensions of health and other sub dimensions that are :

1.Mental health
  • depression
  • emotions
  • self acceptance
  • spiritual
  • stress

2. Social health

  • occupational health
  • social integration
  • intellectual 
  • environmental

3. Physical health

  • weight
  • addictions
  • physical diseases

All of the above stated dimensions are strongly interrelated lets discuss how ? 

As mental health includes depression , stress , emotions ,self acceptance and stress .. all of these factors enables us to react appropriately in a certain situation . for say if we are just so occupied with regrets and are not able to accept ourselves and others as human which eventually means we can make mistakes , we can be wrong and that's absolutely normal .. chances are we will mess things up really soon . 
So that's what self acceptance do for us it let us see the real colors of our lives and others. low self acceptance can also lead to depression and stress.
Depression and stress also cause social disconnection ,obesity,insulin insensitivity, and Finlay the largely effected area by depression is social health as we all know the famous black dog.

Coming towards physical health when a person is in depression or suffering from other mental issues his physical wealth is automatically neglected and also depreciated without even being noticed but in long run there is something more troubling is stored. wellness should be promoted as a complete human health term.