What does detox water do?
For a bit of
background on why it’s a great idea to dive into the detox water craze, here’s
how they work.
Over the
years, our bodies accumulate nasty little toxins that can often affect our
health. The toxins can even cause issues such as headaches and nausea, along
with weight gain. There are, however, ways to banish them — and homemade detox
water recipes are a great option.
water is a fantastic way to look and feel healthier; as it can wash away
harmful toxins in your body and help you lose weight. Drinking six to eight
glasses per day really can boost your health, aid hydration, and keep your
vital organs in good condition.
1.Mango Ginger Detox Water:
This Mango
Ginger Detox Water recipe has helped 1000’s of people lose weight!
Did you know
Ginger and Mango both boost your metabolism?
Along with
boosting your metabolism, ginger also is a natural pain reliever. From
migraines to menstrual cramps ginger heals a lot of pain. It also helps reduce
morning or motion sickness and banishes heart burn! Mangoes not only boost
metabolism, they also aid in digestion and boost your memory! .This Mango
Ginger Detox Water will do a lot for your body, so make a big pitcher today and
2. Hot ACV Water:
One of our
favorite parts of fall has to be the noticeable abundance of apple cider
stocked in every supermarket. So, why not create a healthier version of this
seasonal brew? Add 2 cinnamon sticks and 4 cloves to 1 ½ cups of water, and
bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and allow it to steep for a half hour.
Before serving the warm concoction, add 2 tablespoons of ACV and 2 tablespoons
of honey. This sweet rendition will definitely make your guests feel like the
holidays came early this year.
3. Lemon And Mint Detox Water:
Lemon is the
most used fruit during summers. It's extensively used in summer coolers and
traditional health drinks in India and around the world. Lemon boosts weight
loss and also helps in rejuvenating your skin. Add a few leaves of mint of
pudina to the mix and you have a winner of a detox drink that cools you down
naturally, aides in weight loss, maintains digestive health and keeps you
4. Chia Seeds And Apple Water:
You will need:
1 tablespoon chia seeds,1 apple, a handful of mint leaves, a pinch of black
How to
Prepare: Add chia seeds to a glass of water and let them soak for 2-3 minutes.
Seed and roughly chop the apples. Blend them to a smooth paste. Pour the apple
paste into the water containing the chia seeds. Roughly chop the mint leaves
and toss them into the glass. Finally, add a pinch of black salt and stir well.
Chia seeds
help in weight loss by mobilizing fat and preventing insulin resistance. Apples
help to reduce the risk of heart diseases, lower cholesterol, fight cancer, and
have antioxidant properties .Mint cools the GI tract, improves digestion, and
aids weight loss.
5.Ginger Water:
I actually
wrote about ginger’s powerful ability to fight cancer, so it is no surprise
that ginger helps with aiding the body in clearing the stomach of filth.
You will
need only water and ginger. Make sure to carefully slice small pieces of ginger
or powder it up — it’s quite strong
6.Mango Mojito Infused Water Recipe:
delicious Mango Mojito Infused Water is truly a healing elixir. The name sounds
like a cocktail, but the Vitamin C and Mint will help you feel better in no
time. This is a hint of a flavor, but a great way to train your taste buds to
like water.
Try Mango
Mojito Water out yourself, but have an open mind and just add a little more
fruit if you want it sweeter.
Very informative